Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sexy Summer Specials!!! Limited shows available!!

Hey sluts and everyone that has been following yours truly!  It's summer time already so I figured I'd take the fun up a notch and offer some amazing deals for you!!  I'm going to have to schedule shows because they will be so low everyone will be trying to buy one.  $25 for 30 min is a steal.  So I'm going to make this short and sweet and add updates as necessary.. I'll also be posting my schedule on my personal web page so make sure you visit that. And of course you can just message me on yahoo @ xxxbarbiezz or g+ barbiezz0212

I don't get upset when you go to visit other models unless you are my sub which I should never have to worry about a thing like that....

Alyssa Smith 
Ms. Barbiezz

1 comment:

  1. this amazing worled we have but only if our hearts be good
